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Updated January 2004
The following sites are of information to you in your search to for information and in pursuit of information that is needed and to understand the recovery process for recovering from acquired inclusive of traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury Society offers the following links from our home page to other informative sites. (Brain Injury Society has verified that the sites are of interest to the acquired brain injury population, but are not responsible for their content.)
If you see a
this indicates that it is a great site to bookmark and return to! If there are two pencils, it indicates the site is one of the best.
(Disclaimer: Medical information is presented on this site to promote better understanding of brain injury. This site does not diagnose or treat patients. All patients should consult appropriate professionals for diagnosis or treatment.They are encouraged to use this site as an educational resource. )
The Americans with Disabilities Act gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, State and local government services, and telecommunications.
Brain Injury Society--Brain Injury Society was created to offer a quick response service to all brain injured (whether acquired or traumatic, recovered and recovering) individuals. Acquired and traumatic brain injury have overlapping symptoms yet are very distinct from each other. Brain Injury Society offers referral, consumer and legal advocacy, motivated support groups, NYS Medicaid Waiver Provider Services, awareness workshops, and assistance in deciding a rehabilitation facility of a loved one. Acquired brain injury is an internal disorder caused by neuro-organic malfunctions. Traumatic brain injuries are externally caused, as in car accidents, sports injuries and physical assaults. Visit this site for more information.
Medical Spell Checker--The Online Medical Spell Checker spell checks medical terminology and pharmaceutical terminology instantly. Over 500,000 terms in all. Simply type in a medical term or pharmaceutical term you are wanting to spell check and click the spell check button. If the medical term you are trying to spell check is not included in the online medical spell checker, then the medical spell checker will suggest any similiar sounding or spelled terms. Try it!
The Breast Cancer Site --With more than 43,000 women dying annually, breast cancer deserves year-round attention. In that spirit, we challenge you to click every day and spread the word about this easy, free way to make early detection and survival possible.
Clinical Trials and Noteworthy Treatments for Brain Tumors--The leading Internet resource for brain tumor treatment and information!
TBI Helpdesk for Caregivers--Owned and Operated by Jamaica Hospital Medical Center - Sponsored by United Hospital Fund.
The Whole Brain Atlas--Tremendous brain atlas, visuals are terrific, the depth is superb. From Harvard, and it is worthy of Harvard. This is the web at its best; very technical but you can learn at your own pace, through text and visuals.
Brain Map--This article describes some of the common effects of damage to specific areas of the brain.
Traumatic Brain Injury Resource Guide--The TBI Resource Guide is the Internet's central source of information, services and products relating to traumatic brain injury, brain injury recovery, and post-acute rehabilitation.
TBI Publications--Many of the articles in this site can either be ordered, viewed, or downloaded. Go to the CNS site and just click on a title of choice and then on the link following the reference line.
The Anatomy of Head Injury--This article describes what happens to the brain as a result of a trauma.
Head Injury Hotline--Head Injury Hotline is a place where visitors can get information, join a discussion group, build advocacy skills, and self-care skills, or assess their own clinical situation and more..
Neuropsychology Central--This is a comprehensive World Wide Web directory listing devoted exclusively to the subject of Human Neuropsychology.
MCH Neurology Web Forum--This is an attempt to start an interactive, online discussion about various Neurology-related topics. Ongoing, unscheduled chats on a number of neurology-related topics. User-friendly page!
Head Injury Society of New Zealand Home Page--The mission of this site is to provide basic information for people who are newly introduced to brain injury by the injury or illness of a friend or relative. The site is also a link between industry professionals and local support groups. Finally, but perhaps most importantly, the site will allow people in recovery from head injury to talk to each other by e-mail and to be advocates for their own needs.
CCC of VA--The Concussion Care Centre of Virginia, Ltd. provides interdisciplinary rehabilitative care for individuals with neurologic and muscoloskeletal disorders. Some of the neurologic disorders treated include acquired brain injury, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, post concussive disorders, cognitive behavioral problems and cranial trauma. The Concussion Care Centre of Virginia, Ltd. is also one of the few B(intrathecal baclofen) therapy National Spasticity Centers in the state for monitoring of intrathecal baclofen pumps and dosage adjustment.
US Government Agencies--A List of Federal Agencies on the Internet.
Shaken Baby (as a form of TBI)--The Shaken Baby Alliance's mission is to provide support for SBS victim families (Including adoptive and foster parents), advocate for justice for SBS victims, and increase SBS awareness.
Social Security Administration: How we can help with Vocational Rehabilitation--The Social Security Administration (SSA) can help people with disabilities get the vocational rehabilitation services they need to return to work or to go to work for the first time. We can put them in touch with agencies that provide services such as job counseling, training and job placement.
The Disability Link Barn--Access Unlimited is a manufacturer/distributor of adaptive transportation and mobility equipment for people with disabilities.
Brain Injury Center--Your doorway to information regarding acquired brain injury which is any injury to the brain including stroke, trauma, anoxia, infection, and tumors. There is a world of help available to you and your family through this doorway. Welcome to a place full of information and resources, the Brain Injury Center!
Gentiva Health Services--Rehab without Walls--Rehab Without Walls was founded in 1991 as an alternative to traditionally delivered rehabilitation services. As the name suggests, the intention is to provide comprehensive rehabilitation beyond the boundaries of the typical walls associated with clinic and hospital environments
Infoseek -- Brain Injury--Great links including a brochure from the U.S. government's CDC on concussion, the American Academy of Neurology's Slide Show on Concussion, a collection with educational materials, chat, experts, related websites, and other features, and interviews with a neurosurgeon, brain geography, a transcript of the documentary, a teacher's guide, and other resources. Take time to visit this informative group of sites.
TBIMS Links--The Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems National Data Center Kessler Medical Rehabilitation Research and Education Corporation of West Orange, New Jersey.
Coma Waiting Page--You Who are Waiting While Someone is in a Coma.
National Resource Center for Traumatic Brain Injury--A Guide for Survivors.
Links to Brain Injury related sites on the WWW--Links brought to you by the Brain Injury Association of Washington.
Traumatic Brain Injury Survival Guide--Nearly all of the survivors of a traumatic head injury and their families with whom I have worked has had one complaint: There is nothing written that explains head injury in clear, easy to understand language. Most say the available material is too medical or too difficult to read. The goal of this online book is to better prepare the head injured person and family for the long road ahead.
John & Clara's TBI Related Sites and Information--TBINET was started by John & Clara Lyon in late 1997. We started in 1994 as a brain injury victim and a caregiver when Clara was in a motor vehicle accident sustaining a "mild" brain injury. Read more. . . .
University/Education Disability Information--Categories include Education Resources, Job Training/Placement, and University Resources.
Brain Injury and Neuropsychology--Devoted to the understanding of brain injury, and the neuropsychologist's role in identifying, proving and treating brain injury; a.k.a. tbidoc.com presented by ANTOINETTE APPEL, Ph.D. of Plantation, Florida.
TBI, Brain Injury, Links--The TBI Chat Room & Homepage.
HealthGrades--HealthGrades.com’s™ goal is to provide information to consumers that helps them select the best quality providers of medical care. The one-of-a-kind Internet service supplies valuable information about the quality of health care provided by individual hospitals, physicians, nursing homes, and health plans in the United States.
Traumatic Brain Injury Resource Guide--This TBI Resource Guide is the internet's central source of information, services and products relating to traumatic brain injury, brain injury recovery, and post-acute rehabilitation. This site includes a patient evaluation criteria and a patient satisfaction survey online.
A Parent's Guide to Special Ed/Special Needs--Disabilities covered under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control--Injury Care • Acute Care • Disability & Rehabilitation • Traumatic Brain Injury Violence • Family & Intimate • Suicide • Youth. The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) works to reduce morbidity, disability, mortality, and costs associated with injuries.
Journals/Cognition--A comprehensive listing of online journals from the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and related mental-health fields. Chances are, if its out there, its listed here.
Medscape--Medscape® The Online Resource for Better Patient Care® --Medscape offers specialists, primary care physicians, and other health professionals the Web's most robust and integrated multi-specialty medical information and education tool.
UCLA Neurosurgery--Brain Injury Diseases, Disorders and Concussions.
E-Medicine Online Journal--Information about Post Concussion Syndrome. Author: Eric Legome, MD, Residency Director, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and Surgery, Department of Emergency Medicine, NYU/Bellevue Hospital.
Onterio Brain Injury Association--One of the primary goals of the Ontario Brain Injury Association (OBIA) is the prevention of traumatic brain injury. In accomplishing this goal, it is our intention to provide up-to-date information about concussion; what treatment is necessary, and what guidelines should be followed for return to activity following concussion(s).
Canadian Sports Therapy--At Canadian Sports Therapy we specialize in on-ice and off-ice evaluations to determine what areas the player needs improve to become a better all-around player. Our hockey testing and conditioning programs will focus on extensive strengthening, physical training, improving flexibility, cardiovascular endurance, agility and quickness.
Law--Legal Information and Resources
Legal Encyclopedia--Over 200 products. Nolo's mission is to increase the average person's access to the law. When the company began back in 1971, a book was the best way to put the law into people's hands. So Nolo published paperbacks that gave folks the step-by-step instructions and forms they needed to handle day-to-day legal tasks. Now this information is available online.
Head Injury Law Firm--Nelson Tyler Langer (Telephone: 206-623-7520) are a law firm dedicated to helping people receive the medical care and compensation they deserve after suffering the effects of a brain injury, spinal cord injury or other serious injury following an accident.
Hospice Patients Alliance--Resuscitation, DNR Orders, CPR in hospice Orders, Power of Attorney Forms, Advanced Directives. Making decisions ahead of time, filling out Advanced Directive forms and using DNR forms to clarify the patient's wishes has many benefits, and it is important to realize, the patient can change his Advanced Directive or DNR form at any time, simply by making his wishes known to the physician, other hospice staff or other adults.
The Library of Congress--The Library of Congress is the nation's oldest federal cultural institution. The Library preserves a collection of more than 119 million items, more than two-thirds of which are in media other than books. These include the largest map, film and television collections in the world. In addition to its primary mission of serving the research needs of the U.S. Congress, the Library serves all Americans through its popular Web site and in its 22 reading rooms on Capitol Hill.
Global Legal Information Network--The Global Legal Information Network (GLIN) maintains and provides a database of laws, regulations, and other complementary legal sources. The documents included in the database are contributed by the governments of the member nations from the original official texts which are deposited, by agreement of the members, in a server initially at the Library of Congress of the United States of America.
Americans With Disabilities Act Document Center--This website contains copies of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), ADA regulations, technical assistance manuals prepared by the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). It also contains other technical assistance documents sponsored by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) and reviewed by EEOC or DOJ. This website also provides you with links to other Internet sources of information concerning disability issues as well as links to other Internet sources of information concerning legal issues. It also contains information on occupational health and safety and Total Quality Management issues. If you are searching for an item not found on this site, you can use Internet search tools and links to libraries which this site provides. Furthermore, this website provides you with information concerning and links toward the Job Accommodation Network (JAN).
U.S. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board--The U.S. Access Board, also known as the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board. The Board, created in 1973, has served the nation as the only independent federal agency whose primary mission is accessibility for people with disabilities.
American Bar Association--As the world's largest voluntary professional membership association, the ABA has access to expert opinions, quality research and objective, high-quality reports-information that you can trust. Plus, the ABA offers a national platform to exchange ideas, discuss ethics, and explore important legal issues.
The Better Business Bureau Web Server--Better Business Bureaus: Provide reports on business firms that will be helpful to you before making a purchase. The BBB system responds to millions of such inquiries each year; Provide information about charity groups and organizations; Help resolve consumers' disputes with businesses through telephone conciliation, mediation and arbitration; and Promote ethical business standards and voluntary self-regulation of business practices.
Canadian Legal Resources-- Canada's the first and leading guide to Canadian legal resources on the Internet.
Cornell University Legal Information Institute--The LII's "Law About" pages provide brief summaries of law topics with links to key primary source material, other Internet resources, and useful offnet references. They can be accessed through: the following set of broad topic categories (scroll down), through an alphabetical listing of topics, and through a searchable index.
Head Injury Law Glossary--This link to the Brain Injury site defines law terms commonly used in injury claims and their resulting judicial proceedings. Entries presented in this glossary have been simplified for ease of understanding by non lawyers . Entries in this section were taken from Black's Law Dictionary, Abridged fifth edition, 1983 and Oran's Law Dictionary for Non Lawyers,1975.
Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse--The Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse is sponsored by the Juvenile Justice Role Model Development Project, at Florida State University and Florida A & M University. Our goal is to be your one-stop Web site for juvenile justice information, programs for at-risk youth, and employment opportunities within this field. Once you recognize our icons, you'll be navigating our site like a pro.
The Consumer Law Page: Articles--These articles are for individuals, injured workers, consumers and owners of small businesses who have suffered personal injuries, property damage or financial losses caused by negligent misconduct, toxic chemicals, defective products, or fraud.
Epilepsy Online Information
Epilepsy Foundation Of America--4351 Garden City Drive, Landover, MD, 20785-2267. Telephones: 301-459-3700 / 800-332-1000. Provides information and referrals to patients with epilepsy/seizure disorders, their families, health professionals, and the general public. e-mail:[email protected]
American Academy of Neurology--1080 Montreal Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55116--Telephone: 615-695-1940. Provides information to both medical professionals and to the public. Included are fact sheets and brochures on a variety of neurological conditions and procedures, the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Patient Information Guide, general Neurology information, membership information, and current news.
Charlie Foundation--501 10th Street, Santa Monica, CA 90402--Telephones: 800-367-5386. Promotes the use of the ketogenic diet through awareness and training.
The British Epilepsy Association--Anstey House, 40 Hanover Square, Leeds, England Tel: +44 (0)113 243 9393 -- Freephone Information line (within UK): 0800 309030.
Australian Support Dogs -- P.O. Box 644, Mona Vale N.S.W 2103, Australia, Telephone: 612-9979-6986 Fax: 612-9979-6827; E-mail: [email protected].
Japan GuideDog Assn. -- Tsujido, Eastcost 2-4-24, Fujisawa City, Japan, Telephone: 81-466-35-7524; Fax: 81-466-35-7524; E-mail: [email protected]
Jewish Assistance Organizations
ChesedNet--Comprehensive Jewish organization directory, financial information, medical index and safety index.
Bikur Cholim Around The World--This site is hosted by M. Newhouse Realty, Inc. - Monsey NY
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Disclaimer: Medical information is presented on this site to promote better understanding of brain injury. This site does not diagnose or treat patients. All patients should consult appropriate professionals for diagnosis or treatment.They are encouraged to use this site as an educational resource. Accuracy of the information linked from this site are not guaranteed. The use or reproduction of any part of these electronic pages is prohibited, without the express written permission of the Brain Injury Society.
Feedback: Give us your general comments or just let us know about additions to this site that would be helpful to others by e-mailing us at [email protected].
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Copyright 2008 Brain Injury Society
May 6, 2004
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