

Texting While Driving Vs. Drunk Driving: Which Is More Dangerous?

Posted by on 3:34 pm in News | 0 comments

For decades, drunk driving has been at the forefront of debate.  Stricter laws have been passed across the nation leading to a decrease in drunk driving accidents. However, a new driving threat is quickly taking its place. That threat is texting while driving – and many say that it is actually more dangerous than drunk driving. Comparing The Two: Texting While Driving Is Like Drinking 4 Beers The impairments associated with drunk driving and texting while driving are similar, according to the National Highway & Transportation...

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Spinal Cord Injuries

Posted by on 11:52 am in Research Studies, Traumatic Brain Injury Law | 0 comments

The Worst Thing That Can Happen Over the course of the years, I have been told that some people, recovering from surgery or unconsciousness after a bad accident, can be heard to say, “Please don’t let me survive a bad car accident. If I can’t walk (or use my hands, or move) I don’t want to live.” I come by this information second-hand: my daughter is a nurse. The tragic truth is that a surprising number of paraplegics (paralysis in the lower half of the body) and quadriplegics (paralysis below the neck) make the decision to live only because...

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Traumatic Brain Injury Linked to Homelessness

Posted by on 8:09 pm in News, Research Studies | 0 comments

Who Are the Homeless? It sounds just as tragic as it is, with hundreds – perhaps even thousands – of Americans falling into the ever-widening, recession-driven cracks in the protective services webs. Those who fall are most commonly between the ages of 17 and 75. The cohort, comprised of 900 homeless men and women, shows that the odds of ending up on the street are fully 58 percent. For women, the figures are lower, at 42 percent. This could be related to the preponderance of males living at the fringes of society, or it might correlate to...

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Social Security Disability and Drug Addiction

Posted by on 1:50 pm in News, Newsletters | 0 comments

Drug and alcohol addiction is a debilitating condition that decreases the ability of the addict to successfully function at home and work.  Those under the influence of drugs or alcohol exhibit symptoms such as drowsiness, slurred speech, poor judgment, paranoia, confusion, and the inability to concentrate.  For many addicts these symptoms result in a reduction in productivity in the workplace to the point where the addict is unable to sustain meaningful employment.  Some believe that this incapacitating result of addiction is comparable to...

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Speeding up SSA Disability Payments

Posted by on 9:00 pm in Traumatic Brain Injury Law | 0 comments

Getting disability benefits should be faster and easier for most people under new procedures recently announced by the Social Security Administration (SSA). Under the new application system, people applying for disability benefits will deal primarily with a single SSA employee assigned to their case. Applicants and/or their representatives will be shown how they can help get medical evidence to support their claims. A person whose claim is denied can immediately file for a hearing. An “Adjudication Officer” can approve a claim on...

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Social Security “Plan to Achieve Self Support”

Posted by on 9:00 pm in Traumatic Brain Injury Law | 0 comments

Social Security has a program called the “Plan to Achieve Self Support” (PASS) to enable participants to work and eventually decrease/eliminate their Social Security benefits. Under the plan, a person sets aside money from their SSDI to save for whatever it takes to get them back to work. Money set aside from SSDI is no longer considered income so participants may qualify for other programs such as SSI and food stamps, etc. The PASS program has been used to save for things such as vans, computers, child care, drivers, additional...

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Federal Public Health Service Act with respect to Traumatic Brain Injury

Posted by on 9:00 pm in Traumatic Brain Injury Law | 0 comments

H.R.248 One Hundred Fourth Congress of the United States of America AT THE SECOND SESSION Begun and held at the City of Washington on Wednesday, the third day of January, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six An Act To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the conduct of expanded studies and the establishment of innovative programs with respect to traumatic brain injury, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. PROGRAMS OF...

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Law Definitions

Posted by on 8:59 pm in Traumatic Brain Injury Law | 0 comments

This section defines law terms commonly used in personal injury claims and the final outcomes and verdicts. Each term on this page have been defined for simplicification for understanding by everyday people such as you and I. Definitions were taken from Black’s Law Dictionary, Abridged fifth edition, 1983 and Oran’s Law Dictionary for Non Lawyers,1975. Action - Proceeding taken in a court of law. Synonymous with case, suit lawsuit. Adjudication - A judgment or decree Adversary system - Basic U.S. trial system in...

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Law-Legal Information and Resources

Posted by on 8:58 pm in Traumatic Brain Injury Law | 0 comments

The Library of Congress HomePage-The Library of Congress is the nation’s oldest federal cultural institution. The Library preserves a collection of more than 119 million items, more than two-thirds of which are in media other than books. These include the largest map, film and television collections in the world. In addition to its primary mission of serving the research needs of the U.S. Congress, the Library serves all Americans through its popular Web site and in its 22 reading rooms on Capitol Hill. Library of Congress...

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Legal Help-Estate Planning and Wills

Posted by on 8:57 pm in Traumatic Brain Injury Law | 0 comments

Legal Encyclopedia-Over 200 products. Nolo’s mission is to increase the average person’s access to the law. When the company began back in 1971, a book was the best way to put the law into people’s hands. So Nolo published paperbacks that gave folks the step-by-step instructions and forms they needed to handle day-to-day legal tasks. Now this information is available online. Head Injury Law Firm-Nelson Tyler Langer (Telephone: 206-623-7520) are a law firm dedicated to helping people receive the medical care and...

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