It can be incredibly difficult to understand a traumatic brain injury if you’ve never experienced one first-hand. Not only can brain injuries can affect a person’s thinking and memory, sensations and communication, but they can also play a role in emotional instability.
Whether your injury was minor or severe, it could mean emotional fluctuations in some way or another. Emotional changes after a brain injury are not uncommon, and it’s important to have patience with those who fall victim in these situations. If you or a loved one does undergo a brain injury, prepare yourself for what may come. Though not everyone will experience these emotional fluctuations, it’s still important to be ready for anything.
Depression after a traumatic brain injury can often be a result of feeling helpless inside your own body. Often time when victims of brain injury are no longer able to engage in the activities they once enjoyed, they can feel worthless or have a complete loss of interest. In many situations, cognitive-behavior therapy will end 2 or 3 years after the trauma occurs, making this a likely window of time for depression to begin setting in. Those who have undergone a traumatic brain injury are 7.5 more likely to develop major depression than the general population.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD can occur after a person experiences a traumatic event of any kind, resulting in feelings of fear, horror and helplessness. To aid in taking control of this disorder, it can be important to face the root of that trauma head-on, letting go of the feeling of being overwhelmed.
Personality Changes
Confusing emotions can sometimes lead to a change in personality altogether. Damage to the frontal lobe of the brain can mean the victim is less likely to maintain self-control, reason properly or make good decisions. Mood swings can create quite the emotional rollercoaster for the brain injury victim as well as those around them.
Anxiety and Aggression
Feelings of anxiety or panic are not uncommon among brain injury survivors. There are many things about a traumatic brain injury that can lead to frustration – loss of memory and feelings of helplessness and worthlessness are among a few.
Though these emotional changes are not uncommon, it does not necessarily mean that everyone who is exposed to a brain injury will experience them. It’s also important to note that these fluctuations can certainly be temporary. With proper care and therapy those affected by brain injuries absolutely have the possibility to lead life as they did prior to the trauma.